Natural products derived from bacteria play a pivotal role in drug discovery and utilization. In the past few years, there has been significant interest in pharmaceutical research on the anti-cancer activities of bacteria anti-cancer metabolites (BAMs). However, there are only a few open access databases dedicated to BAMs research. To meet the increasing need for mining and sharing for BAMs-related data resources, this study introduces Microbiota-derived anti-cancer natural products database (MANP), a comprehensive database designed for bacteria anti-cancer natural products based on manually curated data. Currently, MANP contains more than 1000 secondary metabolites with anti-cancer activities, systematic taxonomy and geographical distribution of source bacteria, detailed structure characterization, physico-chemical properties, ADMET information, experimental biological activity data, and accessible literature citations. MANP is an integrated platform for the investigation of bacteria secondary metabolites, discovery of lead compounds, and mining data for structure-activity relationships. Researchers can utilize MANP to explore potential anti-cancer agents derived from bacteria and facilitate the development of novel therapeutic interventions. By providing a comprehensive database of bacterial secondary metabolites, MANP offers a valuable tool for drug discovery and development in the fight against cancer.